Incoming Housestaff

In this section

Orientation Information

Congratulations and welcome to Loyola Medicine!

All of your onboarding documentation will be done through an online process. Your coordinators will be available to help you with any questions along the way.

Incoming housestaff will be expected to attend a mandatory institutional graduate medical education orientation. Your program coordinator will share more information about this as well as departmental orientation activities and VA orientation.

Orientation will be held June 19-21 or June 28-30. We will hold a one day orientation for programs starting on August 1.

In order to successfully sign up for parking, you will have the opportunity to register online in June.

Campus Maps 



For more information about benefits, please visit the Trinity Health benefits page.

Please note that you are responsible for completing the benefits forms in order to ensure coverage during your training period at Loyola. All trainees are entitled to the benefits outlined in the benefits addendum attached to your GME Agreement that is issued in late spring.

After your initial hiring period, you may add, change or drop coverage ONLY during the annual open enrollment period, which is held once a year, in the fall, unless you have a loss of coverage or a change in family status. Changes in family status include marriage, divorce, birth, adoption or death. These changes must be submitted within 30 days of the qualifying life event.