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Welcome to Loyola Medicine

Loyola Medicine is committed to providing the highest quality of medical education, research and patient care. Sponsorship of post-graduate health-care education programs furthers the health system’s mission and trains the future generation of health professionals necessary to provide health care and education for the communities we serve.

Loyola Medicine partners with Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine in its educational mission and recognizes the trainees entrusted to its care as first and foremost learners. It recognizes its responsibility for providing appropriate supervision and facilitating residents’ professional and personal development while ensuring safe and appropriate care for patients

Graduate Medical Education takes place in an environment of inquiry and scholarship, in which residents participate in the development of new knowledge, learn to evaluate research findings, and develop habits of inquiry as a continuing professional responsibility. Each accredited program has the responsibility to meet its educational goals as described in program descriptions and the forms which it submits to the Residency Review Committee.

The goals and the outline of usual resident assignments for each year are available in the departmental offices. The department may find it necessary to modify resident assignments as required by personnel needs, educational resources, institutional patient-care responsibilities, and the career goals and academic progress of each resident.